
What Part Of The Brain Controls Voluntary Movement

Smile. Kiss. Run. Eat. All these actions accept at to the lowest degree ane aspect in mutual: they require some kind of movement on the part of the subject field to exist carried out. The power to move is essential for survival, equally it allows united states to react to stimuli and really perform any type of beliefs, including those necessary to let our survival.

But motion doesn't simply happen, information technology requires some planning, coordination and precision.

At the level of the encephalon, this command is carried out mainly by the motor cortex of the encephalon, although it is also influenced and mediated by other brain structures.

Throughout this commodity nosotros are going to answer the question ''How does the encephalon control movement?'' we will run into what the motor area is, where it is located and what parts it is fabricated of, equally well as some of the main problems that are generated past its injury.

How does the brain control motility?

The brain, especially the motor cortex, sends nerve signals to the muscles to bear out motion.

The human trunk is fabricated to stay in motion almost e'er.

Not only do the grimaces on our face reflect our emotional states, but the whole torso performs different activities such as walking, running, jumping, writing, among many others that nosotros do so naturally every mean solar day, but we never end to inquire ourselves how of import it is movement.

If we asked ourselves that question, we would know that it is more than of import than we can imagine, since thanks to movement, both animals and human beings carry out unlike activities that allow usa to stay live.

Among the activities that keep us moving, and therefore as well alive, are, in addition to those mentioned above, looking for a home, food, and even the activities we do to find a partner or escape from enemies. Merely practice nosotros know why we motion?

Living beings make movements in response to different stimuli that we receive from the outside, that is, from the environment. Only there are also internal stimuli of our body that involve movement, to attain this, parts and systems such equally those described below intervene:

  • The skeleton, which supports our body, is made up of basic, joints and cartilage. It helps movement, stores minerals, produces blood cells, and protects internal organs.
  • The joints, which arbitrate for the development of movement, are the fix of structures that allow the union of ii or more bones, and are essential for the locomotor system to work properly.
  • The muscular organisation, with which we can adopt unlike positions with the trunk. When rotating or blinking, the muscular system intervenes, responsible for several of the organs moving substances from one place to another, such as blood and other body fluids.
  • The nervous organisation, which allows harmonious work between the skeleton, joints and muscles so that they can piece of work generating movement.

The nervous system, made up of the brain, spinal string, and nerves, is responsible for transmitting data through the trunk. This system is also responsible for detecting changes in the surround, and every bit a result of this, certain responses are given, including motility.

But over fourth dimension our trunk loses mobility because in the spine, which is one of the most flexible parts of the body, bone protrusions grow that harden and take away flexibility from the spine.

What is and where is the motor cortex?

The motor cortex is 1 of the parts of the telencephalon, which in turn is part of the brain. Its primary role is to promote movement. So, through information technology, nosotros generate, maintain and finalize the movements.

Cheers to the motor cortex, voluntary movements are fabricated consciously. This region of the brain is located in the frontal lobe, just in front of the Rolando fissure and the somatosensory region.

At present, this region consists of a representation called Penfield's homunculus, it is an area that indicates the parts of the cortex where the motility occurs, within which at that place are some that stand out due to their big size.

For example, the easily (specially the thumb), the natural language and the face up.

In what regions is the motor cortex divided?

The motor cortex integrates various areas, through which movement is possible. Let's look at them:

Principal motor cortex

It is the main expanse that is responsible for generating the nervus impulses that are needed for the production of voluntary movement. In add-on, it is responsible for sending orders to the voluntary muscles of the body.

In this way, they contract or tighten. It is a region with a low excitation threshold.

Supplementary motor area

It consists of an surface area that coordinates the movements of the postures. Thus, the sequence of movements in large muscle groups collaborates.

Premotor areas

They are areas with a high threshold of excitation. In addition, it is responsible for storing movements that come from past experiences. Thus, information technology coordinates and at the same time programs the sequence of movements and the activity of the main motor cortex.

It is located in front of the master motor cortex and shut to Silvio'due south fissure. It is also related to the movements required for speech.

Broca's language motor area

Information technology is an expanse that allows the product of voice communication. Hence, the necessary musculus movements. It is constitute in the opercular and triangular portions of the junior frontal gyrus.

Posterior parietal cortex area

It consists of a region that transforms visual information and more senses into motor. It is a region that sometimes appears within the motor classification because it has to do with movement, although on other occasions information technology appears as sensory due to its human relationship with the senses.

How does the brain control movement?

In your body in that location is a mechanism in which your body counts on it to protect itself. They are called voluntary and involuntary movements, all governed by the nervous system.

Voluntary movements are consciously controlled, such equally walking, writing, and throwing a ball. Involuntary movements are performed unconsciously, for example, heartbeat, breathing, and bowel movements.

Involuntary movements are as well known every bit reflexes, they control unlike functions of the body and are generated automatically.

From involuntary movements the reflex activeness is born, which are the main mechanisms in which your torso counts to protect you.

When the frontal lobe plans movement, it needs sensory information, on the ane hand from our body and on the other infinite where nosotros behave out the movement, and that information goes to connections from the sensory cortex, specifically from the associative areas of the temporal cortex (visual data) and parietal information (auditory information), to the supplementary motor area and the premotor cortex (association motor cortex).

Somatosensory information reaches the frontal lobe from the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe; In addition, you lot will receive information nigh the space in which we have to behave out the movement.

This data is visual (junior temporal lobe), auditory (parietal and temporal lobes) or tactile. There is some other region that is responsible for visually guided movements.

The frontal lobe, in turn, transmits that information to the supplemental motor area and the premotor cortex, and both transmit all that information to the main motor cortex.

This, in addition, receives sensory data straight from our body through the main somatosensory cortex, located in the postcentral gyrus.

Motor cortex pathologies

An injury to this function of the brain can have serious consequences. This is because it is necessary for nigh of the deportment nosotros conduct out on a day-to-mean solar day basis. Some problems related to this bawl are:

  • Paralysis: It consists of the total or partial loss of motion of one or more parts of the body. When the injury occurs in ane hemisphere, it volition announced on the contralateral side, for example when the motor cortex of the left hemisphere is injured, the affected side will be the right.
  • Apraxias: The person is non able to carry out movements when requested. Then, the person understands the order they are given and has the disposition to carry information technology out, but lacks control of motor execution.
  • Dysarthria: It is a spoken communication disorder. The person has difficulty articulating sounds or words.
  • Agraphia: It consists of the lack of power to limited ideas and thoughts through written language.
  • Broca'south aphasia: In this example, the person suffers an alteration of expressive language. The signs are related to the product of spoken communication. Thus, it is characterized by difficulty in articulating or gesturing words, alterations in writing, and problems remembering words.

At present, enquiry on the motor cortex is constant, because through it we endeavour to find answers that help to determine how to repair it after an injury.

For the one-push sample, in 2018 an investigation in the Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience Journal that favors this search.

In the commodity of this grouping, the importance of the motor cortex for movement is evidenced. In their inquiry, they show the adaptive plasticity of the motor cortex after grip reconstruction in individuals with tetraplegia.

So, the surgical methodology they present is a window into cortical neuroplasticity, later on recovery of arm and hand function.

These neuroscience approaches assist us to know how the cortex responds to injury and handling. This is the beginning of a journey to observe definitive solutions for cortical damage. That is its importance.

Now, the motor cortex is the axis of our movement. Without it, we would not be able to perform the actions we are used to.

Through its encodings and connections it sends and receives signals to and from diverse parts of our body. Thus, it provides conscious voluntary movements and, therefore, thus we can chronicle to the world on a motor level.

FAQS: How does the brain control motility?

How does your brain make your body move?

Unmarried nerve cells in the spinal cord, or motor neurons, are the only way the brain binds to muscles. When a motor neuron within the spinal cord shoots, an impulse goes out from it to the muscles.

What office of your brain controls movement?

Residue, move, and coordination are regulated by the cerebellum.

How does the brain control voluntary motility?

By transmitting descending motor commands to the design forming circuitry in the spinal cord, the brain regulates voluntary arm and hand movements.

Does the brain move?

The brain tin movement in a concussion when a strong bear upon causes it to motility back and forth.

Which body part sends messages to the encephalon?

In the brain, the brain stem obtains, receives, and coordinates messages. It likewise regulates many of the functions automatically performed by the body, such as respiration, heart rate, claret pressure level, chewing, digestion, and blinking.

Throughout this commodity we answered the question ''How does the brain control motility?'' we've seen what the motor area is, where it is located and what parts it is made of, equally well as some of the main problems that are generated by its injury.

If yous accept whatsoever questions or comments please let us know!


Penfield, Westward. (1954). Mechanisms of voluntary movement. Brain: a journal of neurology.

Petersen, T. H., Willerslev‐Olsen, M., Conway, B. A., & Nielsen, J. B. (2012). The motor cortex drives the muscles during walking in homo subjects. The Journal of physiology, 590(10), 2443-2452.

What Part Of The Brain Controls Voluntary Movement,


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